What is Flange Focal Distance? Lengths for Lens Mounts

What is Flange Focal Distance? Lengths for Lens Mounts

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The Flange Focal Distance is the distance between a camera lens mount and the film plane or image sensor.

The short distance on mirrorless cameras is why it is easy to adapt film lenses to those mounts. Space taken up by the mirror is replaced with a lens adapter.

Flange distance is also referred to as:

  • Flange focal depth
  • Flange back distance
  • Flange focal length
  • Back focus
  • Flange-to-film distance
  • Register

Film Plane Indicator / Focal Plane Mark

Film Plane Indicator on a Canon AE-1

Each manufacturer uses a different mark to show the film or sensor plane location. The most common symbol is a circle with a line through it.

For Canon 35mm film cameras, such as the Canon AE-1, the mark is to the left of the prism. The distance from that mark to the front of the lens mark represents the flange focal distance.

Focal Plane Mark on a Nikon D750

The digital camera doesn’t use film, so Nikon referrers to it as the focal plane mark.

Successfully Adapting Lenses

The Distance Between the Red and Blue Lines is the Flange Distance

The flange distance is what will determine if a lens can be adapted to a camera body. The flange distance of the lens needs to be larger than the camera it will be used on.

Mounting a lens further away than it was designed is possible. There are M42 (45.46mm) to Nikon F-mount (46.50mm) adapters. The added space acts like a short extension tube. The lens will not be able to focus to infinity.

Avoid adapters that use a correcting lens element. The cheap optics will degrade the lens’s image quality.

Different camera systems have different standard flange focal distances. Mirrorless cameras can all use lenses designed for DSLRs and film SLR cameras.

Vintage Lenses

Lenses designed for manual focus 35mm film cameras are popular to adapt. They have physical aperture rings. The adapters are simple because no connections are needed between a lens and the camera body.

For instance, it is possible to mount M42 screw mount lenses on Pentax K mount bodies by using an adapter.

Smart Adapters

“Smart adapters” have electrical contacts for control over auto focus and aperture. Compatibility will vary between different systems.

An example is using a Canon EOS lens on a Micro Four Thirds camera body.

Adapters Without Infinity Focus

Minolta Auto Bellows Rokkor X 100mm f/4 Lens

There are some lens adapters that do not include optics to correct for infinity focus. These are for mounts with a longer flange distance than the design for the adapted lens.

A good example is a Minolta MD-mount to Nikon F-mount.

These can be useful for macro photography for attaching a lens onto a bellows. In my instance I wanted to attach a Minolta bellows lens onto a Nikon PB-4 bellows.

Common Camera Lens Mount Flange Focal Distances

MountFlange Focal DistanceTypeFormat
Samsung NX mini6.95 mmMirrorless1"
Pentax Q-mount9.2 mmMirrorless1/2.3"
M58×0.75 mm mount12 mmIndustrial24×36 mm
D-mount12.29 mmcine8 mm
CS-mount12.526 mmTV1/4", 1/3", 1/2"
Nikon Z-mount16 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
DJI DL-mount16.84 mmMirrorlessSuper 35
Nikon 1-mount17.00 mmMirrorlessCX
C-mount17.526 mmcine / TV8 mm, 16 mm, 1/3", 1/2", 2/3", 1", 4/3"
Fujifilm X-mount17.7 mmMirrorlessAPS-C
Canon EF-M mount18.00 mmMirrorlessAPS-C
Sony E-mount18.00 mmMirrorlessAPS-C & Full Frame
24×36 mm (FE)---
Sony FZ-mount19.00 mmcineSuper 35
Micro Four Thirds System19.25 mmMirrorless4/3"
Hasselblad XCD mount18.14 mmMirrorlessMedium Format (127) 43.8×32.9 mm
Canon RF mount20.00 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
Leica L-Mount (formerly CL-mount)20.00 mmMirrorless24×36 mm, APS-C
JVC 1/3" bayonet mount25.00 mmTV1/3" 3-CCD (5.24×2.94 mm)
Samsung NX-mount25.50 mmMirrorlessAPS-C
Fujifilm G-mount26.7 mmMirrorlessMedium Format (127) 43.8×32.9 mm
Pentax Auto 11027.00 mmSLR13×17 mm
RED ONE interchangeable mount27.30 mmcine-
Leica M-mount27.80 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
Nikonos28.00 mmunderwater24x36 mm
M39 lens mount (M39x26tpi mount)28.80 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
M39 lens mount (M39×1/28.8 mount)28.80 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
Contax G-mount29.00 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
Olympus PEN F (film)28.95 mmSLR18×24 mm
Hasselblad XPan34.27 mmMirrorless24×36 mm & 24×65mm
Contax RF-mount34.85 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
Nikon S-mount34.85 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
1/2" TV bayonet mount35.74 mmTV1/2" 3-CCD
Minolta V-mount36.00 mmSLRAPS-H
Sony 1/2" TV bayonet mount38.00 mmTV1/2" 3-CCD
Olympus Four Thirds System38.67 mmSLR4/3"
Aaton mount40.00 mmcine16mm/S16
Panavision SP70 mount38.00 mmcine-
Konica F-mount40.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Konica AR-mount40.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Canon FL-mount42.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
Canon FD-mount42.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
Start (Soviet camera)42.00 mmSLR
Minolta SR-mount43.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Fujica X-mount43.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Pentaflex (16 mm cameras)44.00 mmcine
Canon EF-mount44.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
Canon EF-S-mount44.00 mmSLRAPS-C
Praktica B-mount44.40 mmSLR24×36 mm
Sigma SA-mount44.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
Arri LPL44.00 mmcine25.54x36.70 mm
Minolta/Konica Minolta/Sony A-mount44.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Minolta/Konica Minolta/Sony A-mount (APS-C)44.50 mmSLRAPS-C
Rollei QBM44.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Samsung Kenox mount44.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Exakta44.7 mmSLR24×36 mm
M39x145.20 mmSLR24×36 mm
M37×145.46 mmSLR24×36 mm
M42×145.46 mmSLR24×36 mm
Pentax K-mount45.46 mmSLR24×36 mm
Contax/Yashica (C/Y)-mount45.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Petri Bayonet45.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Mamiya Z45.50 mmSLR24×36 mm
Kodak Retina DKL-mount45.7 mmSLR24×36 mm / 28×28 mm
Voigtländer Bessamatic DKL-mount45.7 mmSLR24×36 mm
Braun Paxette Reflex DKL-mount45.7 mmSLR / Mirrorless24×36 mm
Voigtländer Vitessa T DKL-mount45.7 mmMirrorless24×36 mm
Yashica MA-mount45.80 mmSLR24×36 mm
Olympus OM-mount46.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
Nikon F-mount46.50 mmSLR24×36 mm / APS-C
Leica R-mount47.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
KMZ Zenit DKL-mount47.58 mmSLR24×36 mm
B4-mount48.00 mmTV2/3" 3-CCD (9.6×5.4 mm)
Contax N-mount48.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
Tamron Adaptall/Adaptall-250.7 mmSLR24×36 mm
Arri STD52.00 mmcine
Arri B52.00 mmcine
Arri PL52.00 mmcine
Leica S-mount53.00 mmSLR45×30 mm
Mini T-mount55.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
T-mount55.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
YS mount55.00 mmSLR24×36 mm
Mamiya 656.20 mmMirrorless6×6 cm
Panavision PV-mount57.15 mmcine
Mamiya 759.00 mmMirrorless6×7 cm
OCT-1961.00 mmcine
Hasselblad H-mount61.63 mmSLR6×4.5 cm
Mamiya 64563.30 mmSLR6×4.5 cm
Novoflex A-mount63.3 mmSLR
Contax 64564.00 mmSLR6×4.5 cm
Zenza Bronica ETR69.00 mmSLR6×4.5 cm
Pentax 64570.87 mmSLR6×4.5 cm
Rollei SLX74.00 mmSLR6×6 cm
Pentacon Six74.1 mmSLR6×6 cm
Hasselblad V-mount74.90 mmSLR6×6 cm
Kowa Six/Super 6679.00 mmSLR6×6 cm
Hasselblad 1000F & 1600F82.10 mmSLR6×6 cm
Salyut/Kiev mount82.10 mmSLR6×6 cm
Pentax 6×784.95 mm or 85.00 mmSLR6×7 cm
Zenza Bronica SQ85.00 mmSLR6×6 cm
Zenza Bronica GS85.00 mmSLR6×7 cm
Zenza Bronica S2A101.70 mmSLR6×6 cm
Rollei SL66102.80 mmSLR6×6 cm
Mamiya RZ105.00 mmSLR6×7 cm
Mamiya RB112.00 mmSLR6×7 cm

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