How to Load Film into the Canon EOS Rebel (EOS 1000)
This guide will show you how to load film into your Canon EOS Rebel (EOS 1000) and how to make sure the camera is functioning properly. If this is your first time using your Canon EOS Rebel, make sure to read through the before you load film section.
Read MoreHow to Rewind and Remove Film from the Canon EOS Rebel (EOS 1000)
This page will cover the steps needed to rewind and remove a roll of 35mm film from the Canon EOS Rebel (EOS 1000). If you need help with loading film into the camera see this step-by-step guide on how to load film into the Canon EOS Rebel.
Read MoreCanon EOS Rebel / Rebel S 35mm Film SLR
Introduced in 1990, the Canon EOS Rebel is the first camera to have the Rebel branding. The Canon EOS Rebel S is the same camera, but with a built in flash.
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